Hi There!
My name is Priscilla and from a young age, I have always had a passion for creativity and have strived to make that my career. My story below is a little more about me and to inspire others hoping to get into the creative industry.  :) 
I enjoy creating visual content that communicates an important message. I strive to create designs that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional for the client and their curated audience. 
If you would like to connect further please visit the contact page of my website. 

My Journey

High School
I attended Parkside Collegiate Institute in St Thomas Ontario where I pursued visual arts which allowed me to start exploring mediums such as painting, pastels, and sculpture. I continued studying various art forms such as photography and media arts. During my senior years, I reached out and joined the Arts and Culture Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) program where I had the opportunity to go on educational art trips and earn training certificates in workshops. I also completed a summer co-op with two studios: Romantic Designs Artist Studio as a marketing & social media assistant and Kimmik Photography as a photography assistant. From these co-ops, I was able to learn the business side of the art industry. 

Gap Year
After high school, I enrolled in the Bealart Foundations post-secondary program at H.B. Beal Secondary School in London Ontario where I was able to learn eight different studios of art (textiles, ceramics, film, painting, printmaking, photography, illustration, and sculpture) and explore a variety of techniques. This program also included art history and portfolio building as well as learning from local artists. 

After Covid 19 hit in 2020 I decided to pursue an advanced diploma in Graphic Design online through Centennial College which prepared me for a multidisciplinary design career. In my last year of study, I had an internship with Movia Media as a design & marketing assistant. I graduated in April of 2023.

After graduating from Centennial, I decided to continue learning to expand my design skills in UX, 2D & 3D animation as well as mobile design by taking the Digital Art Production certificate from Toronto Metropolitan University (via the Chang School of Continuing Education earning university credits).
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